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Melbourne Videography Service

Experienced & Professional Videography In Melbourne

Today moving images are the most engaging form of media, and businesses all around the world are utilising video to promote, advertise and sell themselves.

At On Point Digital Solutions, we know how important videography is to our clients. That’s why we offer a personalized and professional videography service, operated by a dedicated and experienced video specialist team to create spectacular, creative videos for your business.

Whether it’s a commercial, product or promotional video, we look forward to making that production, like all our productions, an absolute standout.



Our videography service process begins with first pinpointing your videography needs, style & intentions, so that we can develop an appropriate brief for your project.


Whilst developing your personalised brief we perform extensive research on your audience, competitors & market trends (for the more creative projects), to ensure that the end result is truly eye-catching


Once we have a clear vision of the client’s needs, we develop a working plan for the production, determining dates, times, props, actors, shots & location.


The production begins, and our highly experienced videography team goes above and beyond to ensure everything runs smoothly and every single shot is captured professionally.


After the production we take all those RAW files from the shoot and develop them into a creatively edited video through Da Vinci Resolve.


Once the edit is complete, we hand the project over to our in-house colourist who performs an expertly designed colour grade, to fix any minor exposure issues and bring out all those amazing colours to make your video truly pop.


Before we finalise the project we’ll give you the opportunity to view and critique the edit, so that we can make some final revisions to ensure that your video is exactly how you want it.


Now we export the end product, with your aspect ratio and specifications in mind (social media, website, TVC) and deliver it promptly to you via Dropbox.

Some videography facts

Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading in text.
0 %
On average, 92% of mobile video viewers share videos with others
0 %


one-third of online activity is spent watching video.

51% of marketing professional worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI
0 times

One Two Boxing

2 Videos

Auric Alchemy

12 Videos


10 Videos

Just for Kicks

1 Videos

Simonds Homes

1 Videos


2 Videos


1 Videos

The Washroom

6 Videos

We create immersive digital experiences.


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